
*CISC 1110 (CIS 1.5) Introduction to Computing Using the C++ Programming Language
(5 hours; 4 credits)
Algorithms, programs, and computers. Writing, debugging, and verifying programs. Data representation and control structures. Arrays and classes. Loops, functions, and other control structures. Programming applications selected from the areas of statistics, business, science, and social science. History and basic concepts of computer science. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed Computer and Information Science 1.10 or 1.20 or 2.80 or 15 or 16.)





1.     Introductory concepts

Simple programs, declaration and assignment statements, printing using cout, for loops, simple conditional statements, data types int, char, and double, arithmetic ops, precedence rules, standard library of functions


2.     Reading data

Reading using cin, interactive I/O, while loops, if‑else statement, use of files for input/output


3.     Functions

Introduction to functions in C++, programmer‑defined functions, prototypes, parameters, return types, void and parameterless functions, reference parameters


4.     Additional control structures

do-while loops, nested loops, nested if, logical and relational operators (optional: break, continue, and switch statements)


5.     Arrays

One‑dimensional arrays, using arrays with functions


6.     Strings

Using the C++ string class, string manipulation using functions of the string class and programmer‑defined functions 


7.     Sorting and Searching

Simple sorting and searching algorithms


8.     Simple Classes

(Corresponds to structures in C) ‑‑ defining and using a behavior-less class (a class without member functions)


9.     Base systems

Binary, decimal, and hexadecimal systems


10. Additional Computer Science Topics

Compilation and execution, parts of a computer system, history of computing, etc.